You were born to

create the impossible

For visionary leaders, business owners and change makers who are ready to orchestrate the next level of impact.

The single biggest challenge you face as a Visionary is that your game is so much bigger than that of anyone around you.

You know you are capable of playing at a level at which most people cannot even see.

You know you are holding back from what is possible.

Despite your success — actually, because of it — doing more of what you’re already doing is not going to lead to your next level of success.

I am an expert at taking high-achieving Visionaries from around the world to the greatest levels of success.

Does this sound like you?

The dreams and ideas you have are so big and you have so many of them it can be overwhelming. From being able to communicate what you see to knowing which project to begin next it can often feel like you’re stuck in the bigness of it all.

You have always known you were destined for something bigger than yourself. Even as a kid you had a sense that you are here to create or do big things.

As you achieve greater success and generate more wealth, the pressure to maintain that level of achievement increases. This can make it increasingly difficult to start new projects, as the bar is set higher each time based on the rewards of your previous projects.

You may not realise it, but you have an incredible talent for creating things that astound others. Your achievements are truly remarkable but you often feel like you are lacking the space to take the mask off and share the weight on your shoulders.

As you climb higher in your success, it can become more challenging to be vulnerable with those around you. Likewise, it may become more difficult for others to express their honest opinions to you. This is a common experience for top performers who may find themselves lacking people they trust in their inner circle who are willing to provide the honest feedback they need.

You’ve worked hard to get to where you are but deep down you know that you need more space to really activate the next chapter of your legacy.

Paula Bailey is Australia’s leading Vision Amplification Specialist.

Paula Bailey is a one of a kind healer and guide for visionary leaders with an innate ability to utilise integrated wisdom that revolutionises the way humans create and lead.

A true visionary only feels satisfied when they can bring forth their vision into reality as a master creation.

But often there is science, art and a magical journey involved to unearth the depth of one’s genius and enrol others into such powerful and inspiring foresight - a movement that has the emphasis and force to take on a life of its own...

AKA: create a legacy.


The fruition of this process is what a visionary lives for, and without it, life can feel unsettling or uncertain.

With Paula’s transformational Vision Amplification processes, you’ll gain clarity, conviction and confidence to trailblaze your vision forward.

Make Your Mark Today

Do you need Vision Amplification?

You’re an entrepreneur, business owner, founder or big thinking creative who has an insatiable hunger to see a bigger and better reality for yourself and others.

You have a global mindset and want to make widespread impact

You have feelings of being lost or uncertain from time to time

You can be prone to burnout or guilt of not doing enough

Having a clear vision is important to you

You’re concerned with social issues and the betterment for all.

You’re ready for an in depth tailored one-on-one approach to discovering your true ability to self-express and create


Change for the better is possible and you don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to turn your vision into real impact.

Connect With Our Team

If you’re ready to unlock your full potential and transform into a powerful leader, please keep in mind:

✔️ Include your name, business/industry

✔️ What or why you are reaching out

We look forward to hearing from you and endeavour to reply within 24-48 hours.